Become A Partner / E-Member

Become a partner with us today by making the decision to lock arms with us as we fight the enemy.
How to Benefit From Your Partner/Membership
Participate in Virtual Worship opportunities on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Other Special Events will be announced. As a Member/Partner you will have access to Special Events that are not open to the Public.
Take notes during the teaching sessions.
3. All Prayer Books and Special Prayers will be made available to you.
4. Visit the Book Table & Tape Table
Church Membership/Partnership Requirements
1. Attendance - we review records about every quarter
2. Financial Support is important, but is not mandatory.
Other Membership / Partnership Benefits
1. Personal Ministry / Counseling
A. Make an appointment by calling the Church Office. These appointments can be Virtual of by telephone.
B. It is important that you be on time.
2. Benevolence Requests
There is an Application Procedure
3. Scheduling Weddings these must be scheduled through the Church Office.
4. Hospital Ministry - When you are in the hospital or when you are scheduled to be hospitalized please call the Church Office.
5. All about Funerals and Memorial Services
A. Death in your family - Please contact the Church office when a death occurs in your family.
B. Membership Funerals - please inform your family prior to going to be with The Lord if you desire for The Fellowship to participate in your Home-going.